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Chapter 1

'Dear Lindsy,

Hello, my Love.

I waited for you yesterday at the bus stop. Didn't I tell you to meet me there at 5?  I waited. Even if the rain was pouring really hard, I waited. Even if I look like a stupid jerk soaking wet, I didn't care. Even though people were throwing weird glances at me, might be thinking I am crazy. I'll bet their heads for that. I hate their stares, I hate it whenever people give me sympathetic glances, pitying me. I really hate it. It disgusts me. It makes me wanna cut their heads off their body or slit their throats or maybe cut their tongues out and get their eyes off their head, just to prove to them that I'm not weak and I don't need the kind of look they're  giving me. That's why my Love, I want you to look at me only with Love. Not in genuine disdain or extreme hatred! 

Yesterday was supposed to be our day together. I prepared a magical night you surely won't forget. Only if you were there. I waited for hours that even the rain gave up on me. I waited until the sun rose to shine but you never came. 

Do you really hate me that much that you dare to ditch me on that supposed to be magical night, huh? We'll I'm insulted. I feel like a trash. Were you with Aries? Spending a good day with him? Exchanging I love you's with him? I am thinking, should I get rid of him for you to finally notice me? That's seems like a good idea. Don't you think, my love?

Remember this my love, you are mine and mine alone!

Yours Genuinely,

'Stupid jerk!'

'What a crazy human being!'

Annoyed and disgusted. I crumpled the paper and threw it to the trashcan nearby. I closed my locker and went to my first class.

He didn't stop. He still keep on leaving letters inside my locker and I'm not liking it. That guy is no doubt a psycho. He kept telling me on the the letters that I'm his but I don't even know him. From his chose of words, I can tell that there's something wrong with him. He's got a brutal mind and that's scary. Who knows what could have happened to me if I went to meet him yesterday? Can't imagine myself being chopped to pieces like a potato or burned to ashes.

At first, I thought it was some kind of prank put up by my friends for me but they seem so oblivious about it and who would dare to prank someone this long. I mean it's been months that this psycho guy is sending me letters and It's creeping me out already.

Just the thought of having a psycho and crazy and possessive stalker is freaking me out!

"Lindsy!" I am pulled out from my thoughts upon hearing that familiar voice. I turned around and met her smiling face.

"Hey, Bailey. What's up?" I asked.

"Have you seen, Aries?" I threw her a suspecting look.

"Why are you looking for my boyfriend?" Right. Why would she? She smiled not minding the kind of look I'm giving her.

"Ahh no. It's not what you think. I bumped to him earlier in the cafeteria and he was looking for you. He left his phone and I just wanna return this to him. So, have you seen him?" She showed me Aries' phone while explaining.

"Just give that to me and I'll return it to him" I told her.

"Ahh, yeah. Right. Here."


After giving me Aries' phone, she immediately turned her back. She said she's gonna be late on her first class. Her statement gave me a ring.

Crap! I'm gonna be late too.

As i was just about to take a step, I suddenly felt like falling to the ground but before that could even happen, I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist to help my balance.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

Blue eyes. Brown hair. A hot guy.

I freed myself from his arms and took a step backward. Aries is much hotter.

"Yes. Thanks."

I headed to my first class after that. I don't have time for more chitchatting. I'm gonna be late.

"I'm Charles!" He said aloud. I just raised my hand and didn't look back. I'm in a hurry!


I am making my way to the school's parking lot to meet Aries. Aries is shy and not that talkative and so I didn't expect to see him talking to someone when I get there.

"Aries" I called him and kissed his cheeks.

"Hi babe. This is Charles by the way." Charles smiled and waved his hand.

It's the same guy earlier.


"Uhmm babe. Charles invited us for dinner, tonight. So is it okay?" Aries said.

"Yeah sure" I replied. Aries smiled and we hopped on his car.

Aries drive us out of the campus. We passed by the guard house and I saw Mr. Benson, the school guard looking intently at us. I creased my forehead wondering why  but later shrugged it off.

Charles' house is 30 minutes drive from the University. We hopped out the car as soon as we got there. His house is in the middle of the woods.

"Nice house dude" Aries commented. It was a two storey wooden house. Simple yet attractive.

I got this eerie feeling the moment we got inside. Everything is Gothic. From his paintings down to his furniture. I looked at Aries to see his reaction but he seemed not to care at all. In fact, he's enjoying talking to Charles like they are sort of long lost brothers.

I stopped on track when I noticed something.

"Aries. I'll just get back to the car to get my phone"

"Yeah, sure babe."

I went back to where the car is parked. Just as when I was about to open the  car door, I heard a gun shot. I suddenly felt cold. It came from inside of Charles' house. Aries was inside!

Without thinking straight, I went back inside.

What I saw left my jaw hanged open.

Aries was unconsciously lying on the ground with blood all over. I looked at Charles' who was holding a gun while creepily smiling at me.

"W-w-what d-did---"

"Well, I just killed him so we'll be together. No Aries, Just Charles and Lindsy. You're mine now. Mine and Mine alone"

I felt numb. I cannot move. Maybe of too much fear. All I know was that my tears keep on falling. Aries is gone. Charles' killed him and now Charles is claiming me his.

'No this can't be. I should get out of here'

I tried turning to the door and run but there was another gunshot followed by a stinging pain on my leg. I found myself on the floor. I tried crawling but Charles' held my hair pulling me to somewhere I don't know.

I kept on shouting for help, hoping for someone to hear me only to no avail.

"Let go of me!" I cried.

"No you're mine! Only mine!"

I was almost out of hope when the door banged open.

I don't know what happened next. I just found Charles lying dead beside me and Mr. Benson towering in front of me.

"M-Mr. B-benson. H-help" I looked up to him and cried. I was expecting to see him on his sympathetic face but it was otherwise.

"Hello, my Love."

I stiffened upon hearing those familiar words. Another set of tears fell. No, It can't be. This is just a dream. I don't believe any of these. But I was proven wrong when with a creepy smile and full desire in his eyes, he said the words that I will sure hate for the rest of my life.

"You're mine."

to be continued...


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